Take a look at this situation. Who (what color) has the dominant position? A couple walks into the store and starts playing. Advantage swings back and forth, but one player is stronger as they enter the end game. What else do you observe?
She (White) is dominant, and it is her turn. But she makes a mistake by taking C-4 to E-4. (She should have taken E-6 to C-6 for the win.) He takes E-6 to C-6, knowing he dodged a bullet. She took F-1 to F-3. He took D-2 to D-4, and then she took A-4 to E-4 for the win. Both players caught on fast and must be commended for their first time.
Did anyone notice how both players store their taken pieces? She was meticulous in how she moved her pieces. He was also strategic in his movement, but he storied his pieces in a haphazard way.
How your opponent stores their pieces can sometimes reveal a behavior you could take advantage of.